Новости 24.07.2023
VYZOV Award call for applications has started

The award is designed to recognize fundamental breakthroughs, ideas, and inventions that change the landscape of modern science and the life of every single person. It was established by the Vyzov Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations in cooperation with Gazprombank, one of the largest financial institutions in Russia, and with support from the Moscow Government. The award is one of the biggest events organized for the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia.
The award is meant to be annual and will be given to Russian scientists, engineers, and inventors in physics, life sciences, materials sciences, mathematics, and computer sciences. The Scientific Committee will consider the works created in the last ten years and proven to have a significant potential to improve people's lives within three to ten years.
A monetary prize of ten million rubles (without additional encumbrances) will be awarded to each of the winners in the Vision, Scientist of the Year, Engineering Solution, and Breakthrough categories, which cover the entire range of future technologies.
The call for applications has already started and will last until September 14, 2023. The Scientific Committee will be compiling the longlist from September 15 to October 15, 2023. The shortlisted candidates and the winners will be determined from October 16 to December 18, 2023. The award ceremony will take place on December 19, 2023, in the Manege Central Exhibition Hall.

– Public recognition is of utmost importance both for the development of a scientist's career and for the technological progress of all humanity. Unique technological discoveries gradually bring us closer to coveted heights, opening new horizons before us.
Let’s cast a nostalgic glance back to our recent Soviet past – the early sixties: Gagarin is the first human in space, “Looks like physics is in honor", the famous opening line of Boris Slutsky’s poem Physicists and Lyricists, reflects the general public’s opinion on science, everyone's favorite movie characters are four-eyed nerds, scientists of world renown host popular TV shows. Their challenge to the soon-to-be-over era was, “Being smart is in vogue!” But is the public status and authority of the scientists significant enough in today's world?
It is time for us to reflect. Our challenge to the established paradigm of the national scientific and socio-cultural field is the VYZOV Annual National Award in Future Technology. – said the President of the Vyzov Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations, Leonid Shlyakhover.