Новости 21.12.2023
Laureates of VYZOV National Prize announced

The Prize in the Future category was awarded to Ilya Semerikov, head of the Scalable Ion Quantum Computing research team at the Russian Quantum Center. The winner in Engineering Solution category is Hamlet Khodzhibagiyan, Deputy Director of Laboratory of High Energy Physics at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, and winner in Breakthrough category is Pavlos Lagoudakis, Head of the Laboratory of Hybrid Photonics at Skoltech. Raul Gainetdinov, Director of the Institute of Translational Biomedicine at St Petersburg University, was named Scientist of the Year. Each of the four laureates received the money prize of 10 million rubles.

The Prize's Scientific Committee led by Artem Oganov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics and professor at Skoltech, reviewed 218 applications, taking into account both fundamental research and works at the juncture of various sciences.
According to the Prize's founders, its goal is to celebrate breakthrough ideas and inventions that change the landscape of modern science and the lives of all people.