Новости 02.09.2024

Ilya Semerikov gave the first lecture as part of an educational project with the participation of the VYZOV Foundation

The first lecture of the joint educational project of The VYZOV Foundation, Kurilka Gutenberga, N+1 and NUST MISIS took place.

Ilya Semerikov, candidate of sciences in physics and mathematics, laureate of the VYZOV Prize, researcher at the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences gave the lecture «Quantum technologies for people».

He spoke about the latest achievements in the field of quantum technologies and their potential impact on the development of society. He also talked about key areas of development of quantum technologies, such as quantum communications, quantum sensors and quantum computing. The lecture aroused great interest. The auditorium was full, and after the performance Ilya was for a long time. And there were many question after the performance.